Thursday, July 17, 2008

no tarjeta lento, no deje de signos, sólo una hermosa unidad.

Tonight we went skating with Sydney and the girls, and I had such a good time.  I'm really thinking about doing derby next season.  Try-outs are in October, and that would give me plenty of time to get in better shape and learn some basics.  I have been saying for almost a year that I need a hobby, something to do to meet new people and to have a good time, something out of the house and I think this would be good.  Josette said that she would try out with me if I did it, and so I'd have someone to train with.  I'm going to start going skating with Sydney once a week and hopefully I'll be able to get some nice skates sometime soon.  (I think it may be a birthday present, but I'm not sure... we'll see.)  

Work has been so crazy, it's making the summer disappear.  I also have to register for school soon!  I just found out that I could have been working towards my associates in teaching, which I would've loved to do, but now it's like if I do that it'll take even LONGER for me to have my associates.  

I'm starting to get a little tired.  I'm going to go lay down with the puppies!

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About Me

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My name's Amanda. I'm an after-school teacher. I'm married to Kyle, my soulmate - I love him. I love Jesus, and do my best to know Him. I am a student of Sociology. I am a roller derby girl for Dallas Derby Devils (Sweet Baby Jane). You should visit my website if you want to read my most recent blogs!