Wednesday, September 17, 2008

she's got a whole lot of disco friends...

The last couple months have been a little insane and yet it doesn't seem like that big of a deal anymore.  

Young Chefs Academy is no more - we were forced to close our doors the first of August for financial reasons.  Most of you already know this, but there are a couple who don't.  Hah, like there are more than two people reading this!  Anyhow, I was very upset about it but for the first time in my life I didn't waste any time feeling sorry for myself.  I went out and put in about 15 applications in two days and then went on about 6 interviews the next 3 days - all at childcare places - and got a job at Primrose of Valley Ranch as a Lead Teacher of the Explorer's program.  It is literally next door to my house, I can walk there.  I started a little over a month ago and I can say now that I really like it.  Good things about Primrose: it's reminded me why I do not want to teach and why I LOVE recreational programs, they are very flexible with my schedule and will be willing to work with me as far as school is concerned, my supervisors are all very cool (with the exception of the owner, but he's never there) and my kids are generally good kids.  So all in all, this job change has turned out for the best. 

Also, I am for sure trying out for derby in October.  I am SO excited - I have FALLEN in love with this sport.  Everything about it, the strategy, the physical challenge, the history.  It's such a coming together of women.  I went to my first practice with the Shifters on Monday and it was so great.  I am so proud of myself for actually trying something new.  I have been known in the past to talk about doing something a lot and never following through, and this time I got over the fear of it not working out and just did it.  It's been great.  I cannot wait to start playing in bouts.  

On a final note, Kyle and I have decided to find new homes for the dogs and it has been so incredibly hard for me to accept.  We can't just surrender them to a shelter or a rescue group - we've decided to find new owners ourselves, and take however much time is needed to make sure they go to the right places.  I'm so sad about it, but I know it's for the best.  We simply do not have the time to dedicate to them that they deserve.  So, if you know someone looking for the most beautiful and loving black lab ever (Samson) or the most energetic and fun yellow lab ever (Benjamin) please send them our way.  I'm tearing up just thinking about this, so make sure it's someone who'll love them like we do.  And if you aren't sure, just give them my number.  If you need it, just ask.

Thanks for reading, this was a lot.  I hope you're all doing well.  Look for more regular updates lately as I actually have things going on that will fill these lines.


P.S.  If you're looking for something to do this weekend - ask me about the all day roller derby tournament Saturday!!

About Me

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My name's Amanda. I'm an after-school teacher. I'm married to Kyle, my soulmate - I love him. I love Jesus, and do my best to know Him. I am a student of Sociology. I am a roller derby girl for Dallas Derby Devils (Sweet Baby Jane). You should visit my website if you want to read my most recent blogs!